Elite Dancer Registration

Please submit all informtion by August 31, 2024

Elite Dancer Personal Information

First Name:
Last Name:
Student Email:
Grade (Fall 2025):
Parent/Guardian Email:
Excel/EPC Regional Attended in 2024:

Dance Style Training

Please indicate the years of training you have had in the following dance styles:

Ballet: years
Jazz: years
Lyrical: years
Hip Hop: years
Contemporary/Modern:   years
Tap: years
Musical Theater: years

Have you been an Elite Dancer before?: 

If yes, How many years have you been an Elite Dancer?: 

T-shirt Size and Mailing Address

Adult T-shirt size:

Adult puffer vest size:

Name embroidered on vest (first name/nickname only):
Please choose the vest cut you prefer:
Male: Female:
Mailing Street Address:
Zip Code:

*Showcase costumes will be mailed to you as soon as they're made so you have time to rhinestone them. Jackets, assistant shirts, and class assignments will be handed out on location.

Elite Dancer Bio

Please submit your bio below in 125 words or less, written in third person. Below are questions you can use as a guide.

  • What studio do you go to?
  • How many hours a week do you train?
  • What dance achievement you are most proud of?
  • Who is your biggest inspiration in dance?
  • What advice would you give to younger students who want to excel in dance?
  • Include your social media tag(s)

Release Waiver

You MUST READ and AGREE to the Release Waiver in order to register for the event. I understand that there are inherent risks involved in dance and release Excel in Motion, including instructors, assistants, directors, staff and/or employees, from all injuries which may occur from training, practicing, and/or performing during any event or activity associated with Excel in Motion. By checking the box below I am indicating acceptance of such risks. I have read, understand, and agree to the above terms of participation and the assumption of risk of participation and release all liability

I also give my permission and consent to Excel in Motion for the use of images, photographs, videos, or any other electronic media for use in their website, advertising or any other commercial event.

I have read and agree to the Excel in Motion Release Waiver terms:    

Dancer Name:
Dancer Signature: Date:

If the dancing participant is under 18 years of age, a parent must also sign! If no Parent Signature is required, please enter N/A for all fields.

Parent Name:
Parent Signature: Date: